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Writer's pictureMansi Boegemann

Where the sidewalk ends.

This past weekend I had the awesome opportunity to go on safari with some really wonderful people, and let me tell ya, it was WILD (hehe). God has done some major work on the Ugandan countryside, and everywhere I looked my eyes were met with such beauty.

On more than one occasion I looked out into the vast expanse of God's creation and thought to myself, "This is what my heart looks like."

The hippopotamus never seems to do more than bake in the hot African sun along the Nile. I too can be lazy in my pursuit of the Lord. I often fail to prioritize my time, and on some days I would rather sit on my bum and do nothing rather than get up and serve God's kingdom.

The African Kob is known to fall to the lions as prey because it forgets that it is being chased. Me too, girl. I forget that I am a soldier in battle against the enemy. I forget to guard my heart against the schemes of the evil one and put on the full armor of God (see Ephesians 6:10-19).

The oribis is a timid member of the antelope family, quick to run whenever someone or something gets too close. I am also a runner (not physically, of course). Whenever I am faced with a difficult decision or a challenging circumstance, I run away and avoid confronting it at all costs.

While the oribis is full of grace when it runs, the water buffalo is slow and laborious in the way it moves. Seeing the buffalo run made me laugh because it stretches its neck out as far as it possibly can, which reminds me of myself, striving to grow closer to Jesus.

When you see an animal on safari, you can't help but smile at its beauty. At the same time, you look at all of the animals that God created and come to the realization that you're really not all that different. We're all uniquely made by God to fulfill a purpose, whether that is to eat the grass or to share the Gospel.

I never would describe myself as a "wild" kind of person. But after this weekend, I see that my heart most certainly is. Today I am thankful that the Lord loves me unconditionally. Even when I'm lazy or forgetful or afraid, my Father continues to reach out and take my hands in His own, leading me through the wilderness both of this world and in my own heart.

This wilderness is a beautiful mess, and so am I.


Please pray for WGM: Uganda this week. We are reaching the end of our prayer and fasting week, which will conclude tomorrow. On Saturday the new leadership team will meet and talk about leadership things. Please pray for that meeting!

As some of you may already know, my main ministry focus here is with University Discipleship Movement. Due to unfortunate circumstances we are moving locations. Please pray that this transition will go as smoothly as possible, and that the financial requirements of the move will be met.

Please pray for Heritage International School. Staff and students have been on fall break this week and will resume on Monday. Please pray that the Lord would continue to move in the hearts and lives of the students.

Please pray for the refugee ministry Tutapona as they close out the books for the year and financially plan for 2020.

Please pray for me, that I would find joy in my day to day commitments.

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1 Comment

Oct 11, 2019

Thanks for sharing your great pictures and thoughts!

Keep up the good work!

Love, jo

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