Three months. I haven't made a blog post in three months. That's how much time I've needed to be still, be silent, and be a listener.
And boy, has God been moving.
I'm excited to share with you some of the many, many things that I am continuing to learn, but for today I want to give you an update about where my life is heading this next year and why.

Back in March, my previous dance studio owner approached me and asked me to come back and teach. This was before the whole country shut down and I was in the middle of my "Jesus, fill me up" phase. I told her I would pray about it and then went on my way, convinced that I already knew the answer.
Y'all, I did not pray.
And let me tell you what happens when I don't pray about something that I know I should pray about: I can't sleep.
Two. Weeks.
I couldn't sleep for two weeks, and I knew exactly why. So I carved out an entire day to pray it out, thus beginning my three months of silence. That day is one that I feel like I will remember forever. It was such a sweet time of me being with Jesus, sharing with Him why I was scared, and Him just simply meeting me and pulling me close.
While I was in Uganda I had the opportunity to teach two ballet classes a week, one in another missionary's home and the other at a Christian school (not to mention twirling around with the two precious little girls I lived with). It was such a beautiful gift from God to be comforted by something so familiar.
Even 8,000+ miles away from my home, dance was still a part of my life.
In the six months since coming home, it hasn't been. I wasn't teaching classes, and I wasn't around little girls at all. It took just about that much time for me to realize how BIG of a hole that was leaving in my heart.
I am a girls' girl to the core. I love being with girls, no matter the age, lifting them up and empowering them and showing them how to be sweet. Dance has always been an avenue by which I can do just that. I crave to develop deep meaningful relationships with girls. I want to see 8-year-olds turn into kingdom changers. I want to see high schoolers reach out behind them and pull the younger ones along in their walk.

The morning after my day of prayer, I woke up and read my devotional, My Upmost for His Highest. (Side note: this devotional is SO good. This is the second time I'm reading through it and it challenges me every single morning.)
I've attached a photo of the words I read that morning. You'll notice all of the underlines and question marks. After reading that day's devotion, I heard my answer: It would be disobedient to say no and turn my back on the studio.
After six months of being filled up by Jesus and recovering from my time abroad, it is time once again to pour out, and to pour out in a really big way.
And so that's what I'm going to do. Starting August 3, I will once again be an instructor for Main Street Dance Company, teaching (almost) all ages and genres that we offer!
And I'll let you in on a secret: I'm doing this the next year too, and the year after that. I'm in it for the long haul because I truly believe in my heart that this is how I make a difference in my community and in the kingdom.
I'm so excited to be back with my kids, and so relieved that I know what direction I'm walking in. I hope you'll join me in this next season.
If you have a kiddo who wants to come dance with me, please feel free to message me on Facebook or Instagram or shoot me an email at We offer ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop and cheer for ages 2-18. Registration fees are waived until June 30, so sign up fast! :)